The world we are living right now is full of a lot of confusion, worry, anxiety , doubt and fear. So many are very disturbed about what we are hearing and seeing, our world in this time is very discouraging and majority do not understand what is going on and what to do anymore. God is whom He says He is and there is no disputing that fact, He says to us that He knew us before we were formed in our mother's womb, therefore He as put His will in us to carry out here on earth. But many of us are not actually walking in His perfect will for our lives and that is where the confusion comes in. And where there is confusion the will of God cannot be done in our lives.

By believing in our God that created us in His likeness and in His image we can actually live to do His will in our lives. God is faithful to His promises in our lives, if we choose to be faithful to Him and remain faithful to Him no matter the circumstances. Woman 2 Woman we must know it’s God’s Way Not Mine! Join us for the whole month of March on Wenesdays at 6 PM and Saturdays at 9:30 AM to move in His Way.




SUPPORT WOMEN’S MINISTRY (Put Women’s Ministry in the Memo): - Ebenezer Seventh-day Adventist Church (Philadelphia)