PULSE Bible Study | Series: Partnering with the Holy Spirit | Pastor Michael W. Dyson
What an awesome degree of relationship, that Jesus would entrust us with the Holy Spirit to deliver all that belongs to the Father and Him to us. We are trusted with the keys of the Kingdom, and we are being reminded this day that we are partners in a holy partnership. Jesus considers you and the Holy Spirit to be the “dream team.” The best combination to bring His will to pass wherever you go together! Our partnership with the Holy Spirit brings glory to the Father and to Jesus!
Between you and the Holy Spirit, there is no where you cannot go, nothing you cannot do - the world is not big enough! Do you see yourself as a valued partner of the Holy Spirit, ready and willing to tap into the gifts and potential within you, to bring glory to your Heavenly Father, and to live a life of seeing His will being bought to pass where ever you go together? You may ask, Can I really partner with the Holy Spirit? Well, the month of August is when Pastor Michael W. Dyson will share with us how Ebenezer can be in alignment with the Holy Spirit. Come to this virtual experience on Wednesdays and let's enhance our "Partnering with the Holy Spirit".
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