This is a series that deals with basic biblical doctrine. One of the greatest tragedies among the modern church is a lack of basic instruction. Churches are filled with folks who have no idea what they believe or why, and much of what they do believe is not consistent with the Bible.
Many church leaders have been saved for a number of years, and a good portion of those were raised in church. They have been exposed to biblical doctrine for most of their lives. Many in places of leadership assume that others know what they know. The average church does not take the time or put forth the effort to properly teach the basic doctrines of the Bible. We see people saved and baptized, welcome them into the church, and then expect them to serve the Lord and have a reasonable knowledge of the doctrines of the faith. Sadly, many fall through the cracks because no one saw the need to instruct them in biblical doctrine.
This series will not deal with every issue that may arise, but it will cover fundamental biblical doctrines. People will never come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ until they see themselves lost and undone before Him. It is safe to say that most of us realize that we were born in sin, separated from God, but we cannot assume that all know that important fact.
Join Pastor Carlos McConico every Saturday afternoon, at 2:30 PM for the next several months to dive deep into the basic principles in the bible. CLICK THIS LINK TO REGISTER AND GET THE LINK TO ATTEND THE CLASS: