In Laodicea, we find a church (members too) that struggled to be productive for the Lord. The problem was they did not even know it. Have you ever had a problem that you did not know about until someone told you? For some, the message can be positive because they continue to do right even under terrible pressures. For others, the message can be negative because of their lack of obedience to Him, which in some cases is especially egregious. To an imperfect congregation like Laodicea, His promises in the future stand as testaments of his goodness.

 You may find out about your idiosyncracies. You would not know about these tendencies until someone told you. Jesus does the same thing for the Laodicean church. Unaware of their spiritual condition, the church is about to get a shocking surprise from their Lord.  Let’s see if we are bound by THE CHAINS OF LAODICEA! CLICK THE LINK BELOW!


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